XFlash® 7 – The New EDS Detector Series

The Right Angle for Better Analysis

Fast. Precise. Reliable.


Make Your Elemental Analysis more Efficient!

  • Gain very precise results faster with individually optimized EDS systems. It ensures unmatched speed and precision.
  • Shorten measurement time with maximized throughput, enabling mapping and quantification at all settings with no limitation of data size.
  • Analyse challenging samples now, thanks to the most efficient geometric collection of generated X-rays.
  • Benefit from accurate and reliable quantification results with optimized geometry minimizing background and avoiding absorption.
  • Detect small quantities with better detection limit, lower background and less absorption.
  • One for all – seamless integration of EDS, WDS, EBSD, and Micro-XRF in the comprehensive ESPRIT analysis platform for any SEM, FIB-SEM and EPMA.

Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry for SEM, FIB-SEM and EPMA

  • Bruker’s latest generation of QUANTAX EDS features the XFlash® 7 detector series, which provides the largest solid angle for X-ray collection (also called collection angle) and the highest throughput.

  • The XFlash® 7 continues to set standards in performance and functionality in energy-dispersive spectrometry for the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB-SEM) and Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA).

  • The XFlash® 7 detector family also offers optimized solutions for EDS analysis of electron transparent specimens in TEM and SEM, as well as the unique XFlash® FlatQUAD, a detector made to answer your questions on challenging samples.

  • Slim-line technology, large collection angle design, latest generation pulse processing, maximized system uptime through predictive maintenance.

  • Highest spectral performance obtained with best energy resolution.

  • Increased accuracy of results by sophisticated quantification algorithms and a unique combination of standardless and standard-based methods.